The Role of Art Patronage in the Longevity of Family Business
For centuries, royal families have restricted freedom of reproduction as a means of ensuring the “purity” of their bloodlines. In this way, they hoped, race, genetics, surname, and lineage would endure through the ages. For these families, “legacy” was paramount. Among the primary activities that bolstered a family’s legacy were art patronage and the collection of paintings.
There are myriad famed art legacies throughout history, but one of the most remarkable is that of the Uffizi family from Florence, Italy. The Uffizi’s vast inheritance includes riches, great architectural monuments, and, most notably, an impressive art collection. The Uffizi collection has transcended history and survived to be known today as one of the most comprehensive exhibitions of wealth from its time. To this day, it remains one of the most highly frequented and acclaimed showcases of art patronage by a family.
The Uffizi family’s passion for art and their attention to memorializing family history through different artistic techniques were renowned worldwide and played a pivotal role in further cementing the family’s status. The Uffizi’s method of ensuring generational legacy, not only within their family proper but within the greater history of the world, is not unique to the Renaissance. At the dawn of the twentieth century, more and more families began to develop robust art collections of their own through patronage of both individual artists and institutions. These families understood that art could help their name endure throughout history.
Consider the Guggenheim family, a worldwide sensation whose art collection grew in tandem with the accumulation of its wealth. Peggy Guggenheim and her uncle Solomon Guggenheim are two names that, in the world of art and culture, reverberate on the walls of every modern art gallery. To this day, the family holds one of the largest collections of modern art, along with numerous foundations and the famous Guggenheim Museum in Manhattan. The Guggenheim family is the perfect example of a family legacy rooted in art.
It must be noted that collecting art requires vast interest in the discipline. One might argue that collecting art is itself an art form, requiring just as much attention, strategy, and intellect as a business endeavor might demand. But as history has shown, the families whose names and inheritances have survived the test of time are not those who continued to grow their business alone but rather those whose heritage transcended history and thus endured. Art is an ideal vehicle for conserving and preserving the history, interests, and heritage of a family.